Open Window

Open a Gluon window. allows you to easily open a new Gluon window.



The main argument to open is the URL of the website to open the window with.


There are extra optional options you can use when opening a window, provided as an object:

  • onLoad - a function to evaluate in the website once it’s loaded
  • forceBrowser - force Gluon to use the provided browser instead of automatically finding and using one (not recommended), use chrome/edge/firefox/firefox_nightly/etc
  • forceEngine - force Gluon to only use the provided browser engine (chromium/firefox)
  • windowSize - size of the window to open as [width, height]
  • allowHTTP - opt-in to allowing HTTP (completely disabled by default), options:
    • false - HTTP is completely disabled (default)
    • mixed - Allow mixed content (but not as the window URL itself). Not recommended.
    • true - HTTP is completely allowed. Not recommended.
  • allowRedirects - choose what redirects should be allowed (not ignored), options:
    • false - No redirects are allowed
    • same-origin - Only redirects to the same origin are allowed (default)
    • true - All redirects are allowed. Not recommended.


Open a new Gluon window, loading :

import * as Gluon from '@gluon-framework/gluon';

const Window = await'');

Open a new Gluon window, loading and displaying an alert once loaded:

import * as Gluon from '@gluon-framework/gluon';

const Window = await'', {
  onLoad: () => alert('Hello from Node onLoad!')

Open a new Gluon window using Chrome Canary, loading :

import * as Gluon from '@gluon-framework/gluon';

const Window = await'', {
  forceBrowser: 'chrome_canary'